A personal story, with an Amazing twist

One of our team members was recently interviewed for the “Caminhos na UC” bi-weekly magazine. And, of course, the Amazing Lab project was also featured.

You can read the full story at: https://www.uc.pt/anossauc/caminhos/tiago_cruz

We did it. Again.

We were among the winning proposals for the second call of the First Foundation initiative. We would like to thank Feedzai and the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra for supporting us.

A big and heartfelt “thank you”!

Comfort and colour

Our new chairs have arrived – we think they look very cool!
But don’t take our word for it – you’ll have to try them to check how comfortable they are.

Cuteness overload…

Today we got our Codey Rocky educational pack. 6 cute robots!
Also, our first LEGO Spike Kit has arrived. And we finally took our puff cushions out of their bags.

Once upon a time…there was a lathe

A broken one. We even considered throwing it into the trashcan. 
But our good friend Diogo from the IT department took the matter into his hands and he fixed it. The problem: it was a broken screw and Diogo made a new one.

More colour, convenience and resources

We received 170 Arduino Kits, which are going to be used in the Tecnologias da Informática course. In 2022/2023, these kits will be lent to our first year students, which will be able to take them home to work and learn autonomously.

We also got a new whiteboard, colourful stock boxes for our perforated wall panels, and a set of square puff cushions.


We found a place for our FACOM cabinet, 3D printed a pair of angle brackets and reused an old square table (coated in PVC film, with a cork protection). This is the result.